Best Ways To Grind Apples For Cider [Step-by-Step Guide]

You’ve decided to make your own cider.

Good for you! It’s a fun and rewarding project, and the end result is delicious.

But there’s one question you need to answer before you can get started: how do you want to grind your apples?

There are a few different ways to go about it, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

So, which is the best method for you? Read on to find out.

What You Need to Make Apple Cider

There are three things you need to make your own apple cider: apples, water, and sugar.

What kind of apples you use is up to you, but for the best flavor we recommend using a mix of sweet and tart apples.

You’ll need about six pounds of apples for every gallon of cider you want to make, so gather up as many apples as you need.

You can either use a grinder to chop them up yourself or take them to a mill where they will be ground for you.

If you’re using a grinder, it’s important to cut the apples into small pieces so they can be ground evenly.

A food processor or blender also works but will produce a more pulpy cider.

The Best Kinds of Apples to Use

Not all apples are created equal when it comes to cider.

In fact, the type of apple you use is pretty important.

You don’t want to use a tart apple, like Granny Smith, because it will make your cider sour.

You also don’t want to use a sweet apple, like Honeycrisp, because it will make your cider too sweet.

The best apples to use for cider are the ones that are in the middle, like Golden Delicious or Rome.

They have a balance of sweetness and tartness that make for a delicious drink.

The Necessary Tools for Grinding Apples

You will need a cider press, wine crusher, or food mill to grind the apples for the cider.

A cider press is a machine that uses pressure to squeeze the juice from apples.

They can be manual or electric and can range in size from small hand-held models to larger ones that can process several hundred pounds of apples at a time.

A wine crusher is a tool that is used to crush apples so that the juice can be extracted.

They can be either electric or manual and range in size from small handheld models to large floor-standing ones.

A food mill is a tool that is used to remove the pulp and seeds from cooked fruits and vegetables.

It can be either electric or manual and has a variety of different grating disks that can be used to adapt it for different applications.

Step-by-Step Instructions on Grinding Apples

Now that you know how to prepare your apples, let’s go through the actual process of grinding them.

This is an important step, as it helps to release the juice and flavors in the apples, which will then be used to make cider.

  • First, prepare your grinder by attaching it securely to your kitchen counter or table.

Make sure it’s a tight fit and won’t come loose, as this could be dangerous.

Once you have secured the grinder in place, grab a bucket and place it beneath the grinder’s spout.

This is where all the shredded apples will go.

  • Next, start adding small batches of prepared apples into the hopper of the grinder.

Make sure to turn on your grinder for a few seconds after each batch to ensure that all of the apples are getting ground properly.

As you’re grinding, keep adding more batches until all of your apples have been processed.

Once finished, turn off your grinder and remove any apple pieces from its hopper and spout.

  • The last thing you want is for small pieces of apple to get stuck in your machine! And now that you have ground up all your apples, it’s time to move on to making delicious cider!

Tips and Tricks for Grinding Apple Cider

When you’re grinding apples for cider, there are a few simple tips and tricks to help make the process easier, faster, and more successful.

First, start with a clean grinder.

Cleaning your grinder is essential, not only to achieve the best results but also to keep your apple cider from acquiring an off-taste.

Keeping all parts of the grinder—including the hopper, blades, and housing—clean is important.

This may involve washing with mild dishwashing soap between uses or running warm water through the grinder to flush out any residual food particles.

Another trick is to freeze your apples before grinding them.

Freezing fruit makes it easier to press and also helps it to retain its shape.

Finally, remember to use a coarser grind size for apples than you would for other fruits like oranges or lemons; this will help extract as much juice as possible as you grind up your fruit.

Use a medium-coarse blade if you want pulpier cider or a fine blade if you want smoother cider without a pulp in it.

With patience and practice, you’ll soon be grinding perfect batches of apple cider!

Recipes to Try with Freshly Ground Apple Cider

Now that you know the best way to grind apples for cider, let’s talk about the delicious recipes you can make with it.

Apple cider is incredibly versatile and makes for a delicious base for smoothies, sauces, and dressings, or lightly carbonated drinks like spritzers and sangrias.

One of my favorite recipes to make with freshly ground apple cider is a Mulled Apple Cider—it’s easy to make and delicious too!

All you need to do is heat some apple cider on low heat until it’s steaming hot and add your favorite mulling spices (think cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, allspice, and clove).

You can also add some fresh citrus or dried fruit (like cranberries) for an extra burst of flavor. Serve with a dash of whiskey or rum if desired.


So, there you have it! Everything you need to know about grinding apples for cider.

By following these simple steps, you’ll be on your way to making your own delicious cider in no time.

Remember to have fun with it and experiment with different combinations of apples to find the perfect flavor for you.



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