Can You Use Bread Yeast to Make Beer? The Answer Is …

All of your homebrewers out there are aware of the satisfaction that comes from creating your brews.

Better than drinking beer you bought at the store is relaxing and cracking open a bottle of your creation.

When you get the brewing bug, it’s difficult to concentrate on anything else.

You might find yourself considering how to improve your recipe or how to try something a little more daring, like can you create a beer with bread yeast?

Difference Between Brewer’s and Bread Yeast

They are both one-celled fungi, technically known as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, according to PubMed.

Therefore, these two varieties of yeast are of the same species biologically. They are two distinct strains of this fungus, though.

They can be subjected to the same surroundings and still create different results because of this.

Brewer’s yeast is used to make beer, whereas bread yeast is used for baking. Each strain of yeast has been refined over time to accomplish particular jobs.

It required years of culture to perfect the difficult process of growing many yeast strains.

There are normally two types of bread yeast. It can either be cake yeast, often known as fresh yeast, or a dry powder-like substance.

It creates a lot of carbon dioxide and a little amount of alcohol when exposed to carbs, such as the starch in the flour.

You don’t have to worry about getting buzzed from your bread because this small amount of alcohol burns off during baking.

Brewer’s yeast is offered in a wide variety. It can be found in liquid or powder form, each of which is intended for a certain kind of beer.

The majority of brewers purchase a specific brand of brewer’s yeast to produce the type of beer they desire.

Can Bread Yeast Be Used to Make Beer?

Knowing how yeast functions, you are undoubtedly aware that bread yeast can be used to make beer.

The only aspect of your brewing procedure that has to be altered to try making beer this way is the type of yeast.

Use the same quantity and monitor the results. The last drink may come as a nice surprise.

Remember that using bread yeast will result in a significantly different beer from what you have previously brewed in terms of flavor and appearance.

Do not start this experimental brewing with the expectation that you will pour the same beer that you once prepared with the brewer’s yeast.

Why You Should Use Bread Yeast to Make Beer?

  1. Cheap and straightforward to locate: Generally speaking, bread yeast is affordable and accessible at practically any grocery.
  2. It’s probably already in your kitchen cabinet: You won’t need to make any special visits or purchases because bread yeast is normally found in most supermarkets.
  3. You don’t have to worry about killing the yeast during fermentation because it can withstand high alcohol concentrations.
  4. Bread yeast can be used to brew beer since it is simple to locate and use, has a neutral flavor profile, and is inexpensive. There’s also no need to be concerned about destroying the yeast. You’ll also get to save cash!
  5. Bread yeasts may withstand larger sugar concentrations than other forms of yeast because they can also ferment maltose (hence the reason for using them).
  6. Bread yeasts will ferment maltose, so you’ll also save time because they don’t require as much saccharification time as other forms of yeast may.
  7. Compared to certain other beer-brewing yeast strains, they create fewer bad tastes. Compared to some other forms of yeast, bread yeast will produce less bad tastes.
  8. Finally, bread yeasts are more likely to finish the fermentation process since they can function at lower temperatures than the majority of other ale or lager yeasts.

What Differentiates Bread Yeast Beer?

Because bread yeast lacks the nutrients and minerals needed to make high-quality alcohol in big quantities, it is not particularly well suited for brewing beer.

Although bread yeast beer will have a distinct flavor from other varieties, making an enjoyable beverage using the right procedures is still possible.

To save money, simply select a light beer and substitute bread yeast for brewer’s yeast.

Alcohol Level

Beers brewed with bread yeast will have a lower alcohol by volume concentration.

This is because bread yeast is deficient in the enzymes needed to transform complex sugars into more fermentable smaller molecules.

Beer with a Bread Yeast Flavor

Beer made using bread yeast typically has a blander flavor and less bitter aftertaste.

Because of this, it might be an excellent candidate for flavoring after fermentation to give it qualities that are more complex than those of simple alcohol.

For instance, you could alter your beer’s flavor profile by adding fruit juices or other components during secondary fermentation.

What You Should Know About Baker’s Yeast’s Common Problems

Lack of nutrients and minerals is one of Baker’s yeast’s common problems, which prevents it from producing as much alcohol or breaking down complex sugars.

As a result, the beer has a lower ABV and is also sweeter. However, bread yeast is simple to utilize, making it a fantastic choice for beginners.

With bread yeast, you can still create fine beer, but it will have a different flavor profile from other kinds of beer.


Beers made using bread yeast typically have a lot of carbonation.

This is because as they work, the yeasts that turn carbohydrates into alcohol also release carbon dioxide.

Due to the high concentration of CO in your beer, bottle conditioning issues may arise.

As a result, a counter-pressure system will be necessary if you want to prevent bottle explosions while also preventing flat-tasting beers.


Beers made using bread yeast do not flocculate very well.

You will need to apply a fining agent, such as isinglass or gelatin, to get your beer nice and clear for drinking because it won’t settle out during secondary fermentation.

If necessary, you can filter the finished product to remove any yeast particles.


In general, bread yeast is a simple ingredient to locate when brewing alcoholic beverages at home.

However, since there aren’t any other ingredients, you’ll have to add your own to provide the yeast with the nutrition it needs.

Because wine contains numerous nutrients found in grape juice or must, bread yeast beer may be more expensive as a result.



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