Why Do IPAs Make Me Angry?

India Pale Ales have become increasingly popular over the years, but what impact do they have on our emotions and alcohol use? Studies have shown that drinking India Pale Ales (IPAs) can increase feelings of irritability and aggression.

IPAs are a popular craft beer with higher alcohol content and bitterness than other beers due to the type of hops used during brewing.

It’s claimed that the flavours and aromas of IPAs can affect our emotions, though this has not been scientifically proven.

However, research has suggested that IPAs can heighten aggression and irritation while decreasing feelings of relaxation.

An IPA may not be ideal if you’re looking for a more calming beer experience.

How Do IPA and Alcohol Affect Our Emotions?

Studies have shown that IPAs can evoke strong emotions, from relaxation and calmness to anxiety and fear. However, how does alcohol affect emotions?

A recent study found that for the average consumer, alcohol can temporarily increase levels of pleasure. This can be beneficial in providing a sense of calmness or relaxation.

But this is usually short-lived and then replaced by feelings of low mood and depression as the effects wear off.

The study concluded that alcohol consumption should be done in moderation and with caution, as it can dramatically affect our physical and mental health.

The ingredients used in IPAs can affect how we perceive the beer, such as the bitterness of hops and the sweetness of malts.

In terms of the impact alcohol has on our anger levels, scientific studies have shown that consuming beer with an alcohol strength of 7% or higher can lead to increased levels of aggression.

Additionally, a brewer can use the taste and scent of an IPA to create a more positive or negative experience for those who drink it.

According to research, an IPA’s fruity and floral aromas can be calming and uplifting, while the bitter hops may cause more negative emotions.

As such, when choosing a beer for a night out, it may be beneficial to stick with an IPA if one is looking for a more positive experience.

This ideology is because alcohol, when consumed in large doses, releases a hormone that increases our feeling of anger and disruption.

This tip is something to keep in mind when considering having a beer on a night out with friends, as it may affect how you perceive the situation and your reaction to it.

Ultimately, understanding the ingredients used in IPAs and how they impact your mood can help you make a more informed decision about drinking.

The Chemical Composition of IPA’s & Its Link to Aggression.

The link IPA has with aggression is likely due to the higher levels of alcohol in IPAs, which can cause increased excitability in the brain. This link makes the chemical composition of IPAs so important to understand.

IPAs are composed of hops, water, yeast, and grains – predominantly barley and sometimes wheat. Hops contain a large number of alpha acids which provide the bitterness that complements the malt sweetness.

Alpha acids have been known to increase dopamine levels in the brain, causing increased energy and excitement.

The increased dopamine reaction has also been linked to aggressive behavior when consumed in high quantities, making it important to understand the chemical composition of IPAs & their link to aggression before consuming too much.

Furthermore, IPAs tend to contain higher levels of hops, which can increase adrenaline levels and amplify negative emotions. Alcohol is known to be a depressant, but what many people do not realize is that it can also be a stimulant.

Studies have shown that alcohol can act as an appetite suppressor and cause the brain to release neurotransmitters that lead to increased anger.

When these neurotransmitters are released, they can cause individuals to become agitated and aggressive. This increase in negative emotions and adrenaline can be further amplified when drinking IPAs due to the high levels of hops present in this type of beer.

How to Manage Your Anger & Stress When Drinking an IPA.

Be mindful of how much IPA you drink and limit your intake if you feel increasingly irritable after drinking them. After that, managing how much IPA you drink and how it affects your emotional state is essential in preventing episodes of increased irritability.

Knowing how to handle anger and stress when drinking an IPA is a key factor in how to drink responsibly. It’s wise to set limits on how much you have, be mindful of its effects on your feelings and emotions, and never push yourself too far.

Taking breaks between drinks or sticking to a low-ABV variety can be helpful methods for controlling how you feel after drinking IPAs.

Studies have shown that people who consume large amounts of IPA can experience increased irritability, restlessness, and anxiety.

It is important to understand how to control your anger and stress when drinking an IPA to manage these emotions. There are many ways to do this, but one of the best ways includes the following;

  • utilizing a strategy such as mindful drinking involves relaxing and focusing on how the beer tastes and affects your body rather than how quickly you can drink it.
  • Additionally, writing in a blog on your website can be another great way to manage stress: Writing down how you feel when drinking an IPA can help you process your emotions more productively and ease your mind.
  • Finally, talking to someone about how you feel when drinking an IPA can help you understand how to take better care of yourself and drink responsibly. With these few tips, you can effectively manage your anger and stress levels when drinking an IPA.


The research has been mixed regarding investigating the link between India Pale Ales, anger, and irritability.

While some studies have found that there may be a link between IPAs and heightened feelings of anger and irritability, others have found no correlation.

When considering the importance of drinking in moderation, it is important to remember the chemical composition of IPAs and their link to aggression.

Too much alcohol can lead to irritability and other unpleasant symptoms, and people need to be aware of what ingredients are found in what they are consuming.

By understanding what is being put into our bodies, we can better protect ourselves from the potential consequences of overconsumption.



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