Does Orange Juice Cause Mucus?

Orange juice is a popular beverage that is rich in micronutrients like Vit C, electrolytes, and antioxidants. It is good for cardiovascular health, lowered inflammation, and decreases the risk of kidney stones.

Some food such as dairy products, red meat, refined oils like soya, and refined sugars may contribute to phlegm build thus increasing mucus production.

The question of whether orange juice produces mucus is hotly contested. Some people assert that it does, whereas others believe it eliminates mucus and phlegm. So, what’s the final word?

However, some professionals think that orange juice might help with the production of mucus as it contains citric acid, which can inflame the throat.

Continue reading the text below to pick up the real fact!

Which Beverages Cause Mucus?

Citrus fruit such as lemons, oranges, peaches, and grapes is unsuitable for people who have a buildup of sputum and phlegm in the throat. This is because eating acidic fruits may cause acid reflux to flare up.

There are numerous liquors that can make you produce mucus. Milk is among the most popular. The body cannot break down the sugar molecule lactose, which is present in large quantities in milk.

Orange juice has sugar and citric acid, so the drink might possibly contribute to the production of mucus. You should limit coffee, tea, and caffeine plus energy drinks to lessen excessive mucus.

Alcohol can also produce mucus. Histamines, which are known to trigger congestion and runny noses, are present in alcoholic drinks like beer and wine.

Lastly, the consumption of sugary beverages like fruit juices and soda can result in an increase in mucus production. This is because your body uses insulin to process the carbs when you ingest these drinks.

Does Orange Juice Break up Mucus?

If you’re suffering from a cold, 100% orange juice is ideal, and this recipe can retain you hydrated while providing fluids to maintain mucus thin and reduce congestion.

Some practitioners rather believe orange juice might be able to prevent phlegm and mucus from the throat. Besides, you receive vitamin C, a bonus nutrient to support the immune system!

Effects on Respiratory Tract

Acidic foods and beverages make the symptoms worse for people with asthma and frequent cough. You can choose pure, fresh water Instead.

Orange juice has Vitamin C, flavonoids phytochemical, fiber, antioxidants, and minerals like calcium and iron, so, orange juice may help to support lung health and has anti-inflammatory advantages.

This in no way implies that citrus fruits cause colds, though. It may be a healthy addition to anyone’s diet, but please make sure you’re drinking it safely and responsibly.

Orange Juice Thickens Phlegm?

There are a few causes for orange juice’s potential ability to thicken mucus. Orange juice’s acidity, can displease the throat and thicken mucus.

Breathing can be challenging when there is a lot of mucus present.

Another explanation is that orange juice is a diuretic, meaning it increases urination. Dehydration from this can result in thicker mucus.

Due to its high vitamin C content, orange juice is believed to thin secretions and help with air expulsion. It’s a good idea to try orange juice if you’re experiencing mucus buildup.

It seems too controversial whether orange juice produces mucus or thin it. Many people assert that it does, but others don’t agree. This is due to the lack of any substantial evidence.

Does Orange Juice Make You Cough?

One cup of orange juice has twice the recommended daily amount of vitamin C, which boosts your immune system and may help you avoid getting the common cold.

But don’t mistakenly think that eating them will help us get over a cold. Let’s be clear. Consuming oranges juice after the onset of cold symptoms is not a successful treatment.

We do recognize that vitamin C in oranges can help shorten the duration of the symptoms when consumed in sufficient amounts. But there are a few considerations too.

Oranges, limes, and grapefruits are a few examples of citrus fruits to stay away from when you have a cough or cold!

Orange Juice Is a Cold Remedy: A Myth or Real?

Vitamin C, potassium, bromelain, and vit- A, and iron, are common components in orange juice.

These have expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects that aid in clearing mucus and boosting the immune system to hasten the recovery from colds and flu.

The ideal juice can help you stay hydrated while consuming fluids to maintain mucus thin and relieve congestion.

Eating fiber-rich fruits is also linked to decreased mucus production and improved respiratory health. Meaning that the phlegm-be-gone menu includes fruits like apples, oranges, and berries.

There are many urban legends relating orange juice to phlegm, however, does this citrusy beverage actually aid in the thinning of mucus?

Let’s examine the science behind this well-known home remedy in more detail.

In actuality, drinking orange juice will help us prevent a cold but having a drink after the onset of coughs and colds is ineffective, and can’t cure symptoms.

It is believed that oranges’ vitamin C can strengthen the immune system while the juice’s acidity may aid in clearing mucus. These claims are not backed by any scientific data.

Orange Juice Can Worsen Cough

Of course, orange juice logically contains vitamin C since it is made from oranges. But the typical products of orange juice are essentially sugar mixtures.

Research has found that sugar may prevent tubular epithelial cells from absorbing vitamin C.

In the kidney’s tubular epithelial cells, solutes—in this case, vitamin C—are essentially reabsorbed into the bloodstream. If sugar prevents this reabsorption, we will therefore lose more vitamin C in our urine.

So, while orange juice does contain vitamin C, its benefits may not be great and it even has the potential to be harmful if you have a cough.

Besides orange juice’s acidity can irritate the throat and exacerbate your symptoms, indigestion, and heartburn may result.

Orange juice is most likely not the best option if you’re trying to find a way to clear your stuffy tract and also get rid of that annoying phlegm.

To keep the airways moist, try drinking plenty of water or herbal tea or using a humidifier.


Orange juice is a popular beverage worldwide. When you have a cold, 100% orange juice is ideal, and this recipe can keep you hydrated to keep mucus thin and reduce congestion.

When you have a lot of mucus, adding an orange juice drink might make you feel a little better or may even worsen the condition, though there isn’t any proof.

Drinking plenty of water is the best thing you can do to prevent a buildup of mucus and sputum in your throat.



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